My Thoughts on the 2024 Budget Meeting

I watched Friday’s Budget Presentation and it very much looks like it is business as usual at city hall. First I would like to say that the Director of Corporate Services, Kate Allen, did an excellent job of presenting the draft budget. The presentation was very clear and understandable and very much focused on the facts as opposed to trying to put a positive spin on what is not a good budget given the reality of what residents are facing in the current economy.

The overall budget increase that is currently on the table is 3.2% which will be increased once the County adds their share. The increase includes $2.2 million in new spending. Police and Fire account for half of the spending increase. Other notable increases are a $433,789 increase in Community Services, $390,139 in Operations and $184,636 in Corporate Services. In keeping with past practices this budget also includes four new part time and summer student positions.

On a positive note Councillor Middlebro made it clear that we need to look at the Art Gallery with the same lens that we looked at the Airport a few years ago. The supporters of the Art Gallery need to make their case that there’s value in keeping it open. I keep hearing people say that the Art Gallery is a big attraction and is bringing new tourists to Owen Sound. However, no one has ever tabled evidence to support that notion. I think that it’s only a perception in the eyes of Art Gallery supporters. And if I’m wrong, how many new tourists would the Art Gallery have to attract to make up for the $500,000 it’s costing us each year? The reality is that it would take many more new tourists than our local hotel industry could accommodate in a year given businesses would need to increase their tax contributions by $500,000 for us to break even.

In addition to the 3.2% tax increase we will all have to pay more for our bag tags. The price is going up from $2.50 per tag to $3.50. It’s almost like city hall in living in a different universe than the rest of us. They seem to be totally oblivious to what going on in the real world. As I’ve pointed out before our median after-tax household income is only $57,600. If we assume that there are two wage earners per household, an income tax rate of 21% and a 37.5 hour work week; the hourly wage works out to be $18.70 per hour – not quite a living wage. That’s the middle income in the dataset which means that a full 50% of Owen Sound households have less than that to feed, house and clothe their families
There will be a public meeting January 29th. As with past years by the time that the public meeting rolls around Councillors are well entrenched in their positions. So if you want to influence their thinking you need to start speaking up NOW. Phone, Email or Text every member of Council and share your feelings on the proposed tax increase. To leave you comments on this website - Click Here.  – they will read them.

2024 Draft Budget Presentation                                            2024 Draft Budget Video