Tax Increases are Coming Your Way!            

Unless you speak up and tell council that they need to reject the Draft Budget. Instead they need to reduce spending at city hall without reducing any services. All they need to do is to introduce some of the cost-saving measures I gave time in my Service Review Report last November.

Did you know that Owen Sound City Hall has 79 employees earning over $100,000 while half of Owen Sound households bring home less than $57,600 after taxes? That works out to be about $18 per hour assuming each household has 2 wage earners.

Did you know that in 2011 Owen Sound spent $40.1 million to deliver services to a population of 21,688 and in 2022 spent $59.7 million to deliver services to a smaller population of 21,612? That's an increase of $19.6 million or 48.9% in just 11 years.

Did you know that Owen Sound's total expenses are projected to reach $74.0 million by 2030 if spending continues at the current rate?
The Town of Cobourg is nearly identical to Owen Sound in population, population-density, and in the number of occupied dwellings. Did you know that in 2022 Owen Sound:

>>> collected $6.5 million more in taxes than Cobourg

>>> spent $2.6 million more than Cobourg on just Salaries and Benefits

>>> spent $4.9 million more to deliver nearly identical services

>>> spends $820,000 more each year on debt interest than Cobourg

Those are crazy statistics! You can verify the accuracy of these statements at where you can get links to each of databases to confirm these facts for yourself and download my complete report.

Owen Sound is expected to increase taxes by as much as 3.4% this year. Whether you are a homeowner, a renter, or doing business in Owen Sound, this tax increase will affect you. Landlords will pass this tax increase on to their tenants and shoppers will have less disposable income to spend at Owen Sound Businesses. It is time to get involved and stop this by emailing members of council and telling them "NO TAX INCREASE".


Ian Boddy cited frustration with ‘lack of leadership’ in recent years, and said he believes the city must take some ‘long-delayed’ decisions to make its services more efficient. ‘I believe I can be a mayor who can make this happen. A mayor who is frugal and pragmatic but has the courage to make tough decisions. A mayor who listens, learns, thinks and takes action. Boddy said.   02 Sep 2014

FRUSTRATION – I believe this is what most Owen Sound Taxpayers have been feeling for a while.


Take the time to leave your comments on this site. I know that there are Councillors
and/or staff that frequent this site so I'm sure they will read your comments.